Egyptian Society of Biological Sciences

President and founder of the Society 

Prof. Dr./ Reda Fadil Ali Bakr

The Society address: Directorate of Social Solidarity in Qalyubia – Al-Qanater Al-Khairiya – Qalyubia – known as No. 1523

The field of work of the Egyptian Society of Biological Science:
1-Protecting living organisms and maintaining the ecological balance.
2-Cultural, educational, and health services.
3-Development, technical, and tourism services.
1-Establishing databases for biological and environmental sciences
2-Cooperate with bodies and institutions concerned with issues of living organisms, the environment, and renewable resources.
3-Providing scientific advice and biological surveys to individuals and institutions
4-Educating the local community about the importance of living organisms and how to maximize their benefits and minimize their damage while preserving the environment and its natural balance.
5-Issuing scientific journals, publications, and multimedia specialized in the field of biological and environmental sciences after obtaining the approval of the competent authorities.
6-Organizing cultural and scientific conferences, local and international seminars, and holding training courses to contribute to the development of national plans to solve problems related to living organisms and to preserve the environmental balance.
7-Organizing scientific, cultural, and recreational trips, both internal and external.
8-Establishing small projects that depend on self-financing for the development of the association’s materials.
9-Establishing scientific museums.
10-Cooperating and coordinating with associations working in the same fields as the association.
11-Establishing private institutes, colleges, and schools after obtaining the approval of the competent authorities.
12-Carrying out Hajj and Umrah trips and visiting holy places at low costs for members of the association.

The geographical scope of its work: at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the possibility of establishing branches for it.