about us

Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences is the official English language journal of the Egyptian society of biological sciences. The Journal publishes original research papers and reviews from any biological discipline or from directly allied fields in ecology, behavioral biology, physiology, biochemistry, development, genetics, systematics, morphology, evolution, control of insects, arachnids, Bioinformatics and general biology.
The Journal will be published by Academic Journals. The Journal has been founded in 2008 as international publication. This would be quite inconceivable without the help of our many collaborators. We are much indebted to all those who have been helpful in so many ways, especially in reviewing papers. Our thanks are due to the members of the Editorial Board, past and present, but also to numerous scientists with no particular connection to our journal, who nevertheless responded readily to our request to review a paper.
The Journal is an International journal covering the whole field of general, experimental, systematic and applied biology. Manuscripts generally should not exceed 30 pages (exceptions are possible, particularly in case of reviews, and should be negotiated in advance with the editors). Papers are considered by referees before acceptance. Authors will receive the first editorial decision within 4 weeks from confirmed submission. All contributions are published in English. Authors whose mother tongue is not English are strongly urged to have their manuscripts reviewed linguistically before submission. Papers written in poor English will be returned. It is understood that manuscripts submitted to EAJBS have not been offered to any other journal for prior or simultaneous publication.